Pluto's Outback of Photography and Musings

astrophotography, earthly photos, and blogging

Tag: musings

  • Muse Drops, Happiness, and Self-Actualization

    This website was built with the idea in mind that it would become a vessel. I have pursued a photography hobby that includes both photos of deep space objects and terrestrial objects. Along the way, when my wife or I would show friends or acquaintances astrophotography pictures, they would inevitably ask if I had a…

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  • And So It Begins …

    Welcome to Pluto’s Outback of Photography and Musings! Kevin Tieman (that’s me) has taken all these photos himself, with the exception of the main picture of the planet Pluto shown above. He began photographing the Moon and deep-space objects like galaxies and nebulae in 2019. His deeper interest in both terrestrial photography and astrophotography stems…

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